The tale of our Independence Day celebration continues. In addition to attending the very hot book signing of Glenn Beck, we had a very nice barbecue over with our friends. Thanks go out to my parents for letting all of us raid their home and pool in our pursuit of joy and happiness!

First it was time to hit the pool. It was a huge hit with all the adults since the temperatures were over 100 degrees for probably the majority of the day. A fair amount of cloud cover made for some great swim time, however the kids for the most part weren't too fond of the pool. It might have had something to do with the water being 65 degrees... but Kerek the Fearless braved the waters and conquered the mighty inflatable lobster! He loved it even though you could obviously tell he was freezing.

Here's a picture of the three troublemakers: Jack, Kian, and Kerek. Jack was constantly all smiles when the camera came out. Kristen says its because he's a ham for the camera.

Took a closer one of Jack to send to Kristen. He started saying cheese right away as soon as he figured out the camera lens was on him.

Due to the rising expense of fireworks our display wasn't as impressive as in previous years. But as I said to Jeff its starting to become more about the kids than it is about the adults. I found a lot more joy to be had in the expressions and the laughs of the children than I did due to my own personal enjoyment. My only regret is that they are still too young to understand the meaning behind this great holiday. Maybe next year Kian will understand it more.

Our first casualties of the evening. They played hard all night and we all had a great time. We the adults listened to a great story about Paul Revere and his ride to Concord. It was a great reminder of what this holiday and what our nation is all about.
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