7:45pm: Glenn just gave probably one of the best quotes I've ever heard in my life... "Our power as a nation comes from 'We the People,' and truly it doesn't even really come from there. Power comes from up there, from God, and it is then channeled into us. As long as we follow that path: From there (above), to here (ourselves), to here (the expression of our ideas) we will never go wrong."

7:08pm: ADD time. During intermission saw a couple interesting movie posters.

6:55pm: Its intermission time. This show has been seriously awesome so far. Tonight in the audience is the governor of Texas and Marcus Luttrell. (Added note for those that don't know, Marcus Luttrell is the only survivor of SEAL Team 10, the only man to survive an attack from 200 Taliban. In short, he's a true hero) Glenn's ripped on Obama and McCain pretty evenly but also touched on global warming, gun rights, and a broad range of other topics. I'm having a great time and I must say it's awesome to be around a ton of people who understand that our government is completely out of control on both the D and R sides.

One thing I've been really impressed with is the diversity of the audience. All ages. All races. And so many flipping hatemongers.. Or I'm sure that's what this is going to be billed as in some liberal blog at some point.
5:55pm: countdown is running... Aww yeeeeah! Let's get this started!

5:45pm: So here I am at Jordan Landing getting ready for Beck '08. The theater is sold out and everyone seems really excited for the show to begin. Glenn has apparently provided the premovie trivia as well. I've also learned that I can't upload photos from my phone, so I'll have to post those later.

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