Tonight I got my first Christmas present from my dear wife, the above-shown, very hot Nikon CoolPix P80. Sporting an 18x optical zoom, a huge array of features, and 10.1 megapixels of photo taking goodness.
I waited two hours after opening my camera for the batteries to charge so I could play around with it. One of the only complaints I found about this camera online was that it takes poor pictures in very low light, so I decided to put that to the test right out of the gate while I had my 15 days to return the camera if I didn't like it.
These pictures are of our Christmas tree from across the room. It should be noted that the Christmas lights were the only light source in the entire room and I didn't use any flash. I think I can say with safety that the people making the complaints about low light had no idea what they were doing.
Note: these pictures are at 25% of their original size. The originals were 3648x2736 resolution. You can click on the pictures to view them larger.

Love this camera already.
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