Once again, Independence Day is upon us. A time for friends, food, and fireworks.. and food!
I've been wondering now for a few years why I continue to put myself through the irritation of planning a 4th of July event.. as most years it has resulted in countless disappointment and irritation. This year was looking to be no different. My friend Kristen and her husband weren't going to be able to come, and getting a committed yes or no from some of my other friends is starting to seem impossible now days.
Add to this, that our traditionally "friend only" event somehow picked up countless family members - parents and siblings - and you have a recipe for suckage of epic proportions.
Or.. at least that's how I thought it was going to turn out. I'm not sure what it is about me or if its something that happened in my childhood to cause this, but I've always been of the opinion that if family is involved, the event or get-together or whatever you want to call it is automatically going to suck. I have to be honest, at first I wasn't the least bit looking forward to spending the holiday this way... in-laws, my friends parents, my friends in-laws, the parents kids... I read this sentence and it sounds something akin to waterboarding to me.
However, I honestly ended up thoroughly enjoying myself... probably for the first time ever at something like this. I'm not sure if it was the combination of friends and family or maybe, just maybe, that I can in fact really have fun with my family once I let go of the "uggggh this is going to SUUUUUCK!" disposition.... Madness, I know.
Everyone seemed to have a really good time, and I guess in the end that's what this day is all about. Being able to get together with friends... and family... and celebrating our freedoms and what makes this country truly great.
Less text, more pics!

The little ones having a great time together

The barbecue hard at work! Delicious!

Kaleah's first Independence Day!

I can neither confirm, nor deny, that this was ours...
(but it was awesome)

Children love holidays even more when they're cracked out on sugar!

The "finale" fountain in progress
(yes, those are fountains stacked on top of each other)

The 4th Division of the Tank Army lies in wait, prepared to strike!

You know you've put on a good show when all that's left is
piles upon piles of burning firework remains.